Saturday, September 8, 2007

Sushi Heaven

One of the things we missed after moving here from Cali was ethnic food of varying types. For Rob's birthday I got him a sushi book and kit. He's been trying to perfect his recipe and finally did it today!


Anonymous said...

Is he wearing glasses?? When did that happen? When your baby brother is showing signs of age (finally!) then you KNOW you must be pretty darn ancient ...

Wendy said...

Coincidentally he was just remarking yesterday that he was going to have to start wearing glasses "full time" (as opposed to just for reading or making sushi). This is NOTHING compared to the hilarity of shooting more than one photo because he wanted to "suck it in". Vanity, thy name is Husband!

Missy said...

me and my friends have "sushi parties" and we get together and all make different rolls for eachother to try... fairly easy once you have the ingredients... the hardest part for me is getting the rice to the perfect consistency and still cannot say for sure if i have gotten it right yet! ENJOY!